6-figures within 90 days diane conklin
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Diane Conklin Guides You to Rapid Business Growth and Financial Success

Are you ready to take your business to new heights? Meet Diane Conklin, the NEWEST member of the GoMobile Solutions Management Team. She is an internationally known author, entrepreneur, coach, consultant, marketing strategist, implementation specialist, speaker, and copywriter. With a wealth of expertise in turning businesses into money-making machines, Diane shared with the GoMobile Community her insights on rapid profit acceleration, leveraged business growth, and strategic implementation. In this Happy Hour Hangout, she revealed the steps to go from zero to six figures in just 90 days, and then soar to a whopping one million within 12 months! Get ready to learn how to amplify your marketing efforts, unlock unparalleled success, and increase your earning potential. Read to the very end where we also reveal Diane’s vision for GoMobile. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of rapid business growth and financial success on how to go from zero to six figures in 90 days with Diane Conklin.

Casey’s Journey: From Struggling Consultant to Remarkable Success Story

Diane first tells a story about a struggling consultant driving around in a red pickup truck. Casey Graham’s journey to success began when he approached award-winning marketer Diane Conklin.  Intrigued by Diane’s expertise, Casey expressed his interest in implementing a continuity program for small startup churches. Despite Diane’s initial skepticism, Casey’s unwavering determination and belief in his vision convinced her to take the leap together.

They launched the continuity program, charging $97 a month to these small churches and community centers, even though funds were limited in those organizations. With persistence and focus, Casey built a thriving membership base, providing valuable services, information, and resources tailored to their needs and quickly hit 6 figures within 90 days. Much of the success came from finding that unique element that sets him apart aka his secret sauce. Everyone has a secret sauce whether it’s your personality or a bonus that captivates your audience.

Maintaining unwavering focus, Casey dedicated himself to the continuity program for a year, steadily growing its revenue to $147,500 per month. He knew that being laser-focused on one core offering was the key to scaling his business. After achieving this milestone, Casey expanded his ventures, launching Preaching Rocket, leveraging his existing momentum, and growing his loyal customer base.

Understanding the power of a buyer’s loyalty, Casey continued to provide his audience with what they wanted while also offering what they needed. By tapping into their desires and preferences, he created a strong connection that fueled further growth. Preaching Rocket witnessed tremendous success, selling out memberships and generating significant revenue within minutes.

Unique Secret Sauces: Chris, Bill, and the Power of Foundation

Diane then discussed the importance of building a solid foundation for your business. Building upon the previous example of Casey’s story, she shared the success stories of Chris McClatchy and Bill Goff, each with their own unique secret sauces.

Chris, a retired real estate investor and lawyer, sought to teach and speak in his industry. Together with Diane, they developed courses with a captivating secret sauce—selling them on refurbished iPads purchased from Apple for $97. While return rates in the industry were typically high, Chris achieved a remarkable 0% return rate. The allure of receiving an iPad along with the valuable courses made his offering irresistible.

Bill, an Allstate Insurance Agency owner, aspired to help other agents grow their businesses and build million-dollar books. Despite Diane’s suggestion to start with courses instead of a live event, they proceeded with the event. Against the odds, Bill’s first event attracted 75 attendees and generated a six-figure net profit. Bill’s secret sauce? His own success story. Being one of them, his credibility and relatability resonated with the other Allstate agents, leading to their intrigue and trust.

These stories highlight the importance of a strong foundation and the power of unique secret sauces. While each situation was different, the underlying business foundations remained similar. It’s crucial to establish a strong base and then infuse it with your distinctive element that sets you apart. As we dive deeper into the lessons from these stories, keep in mind the significance of a solid foundation and the potential impact of your own secret sauce.

Using Leverage in Your Business to Grow

Damien then prompted Katy to ask Diane a question to get some advice. Diane and Damien offer valuable advice to Katy, who shared her challenge of feeling stuck in her business. Despite having excellent client retention and a strong reputation, Katy struggles with the idea of bringing someone else on board and relinquishing control. Diane addresses Katie’s concern by emphasizing the need for leverage. She explains that Katie’s current workload exceeds her clients’ expectations, creating a gap between what she delivers and what is required. By training and delegating tasks to someone at 70% of her level, Katy can still exceed her clients’ expectations while freeing up her time to focus on getting more business. Diane reassures Katy that although it may be daunting, leveraging her business is crucial for growth. Damien adds to the conversation, sharing his personal experience of hiring individuals who were not as skilled as him but still contributed to the expansion of his business. The key takeaway is that leveraging can involve hiring, automation, systemization, and elimination of non-value-adding tasks. One’s willingness to embrace leverage will lead to a prosperous future.

10 Lessons for Business Growth: Insights from Diane

Diane shares ten essential lessons for achieving business growth that she’s learned over the years and how this applied to the three stories that she shared about Casey, Chris, and Bill. 

Lesson #1: The Power of Focus 

Referencing the book “The One Thing,” she encourages entrepreneurs to identify the single most impactful task that, when accomplished, makes everything else easier or unnecessary. By embracing productivity over busyness, individuals can transform their workdays and experience remarkable results.

Lesson #2: There’s NO Magic

There’s no magic formula for success. Diane empowers her audience by affirming that they themselves are the magic. By recognizing their unique strengths and the value they bring to their clients, entrepreneurs can shift their focus from external solutions to their innate abilities.

Lesson #3: Work Within Your Strengths

Working within one’s strengths forms the basis of the third lesson. Diane stresses the importance of seeking assistance and delegating tasks that lie outside one’s expertise. She shares a quadrant exercise by Dan Sullivan, encouraging entrepreneurs to focus on what they excel at and explore ways to get help in areas of weakness.

Lesson #4: Secret Sauce

Identifying one’s secret sauce constitutes the fourth lesson. Diane prompts listeners to spend dedicated time reflecting on what sets them apart and why clients choose them. Discovering one’s unique value proposition is key to unlocking success.

Lesson #5: Get Help From a Coach or Mentor

Diane encourages entrepreneurs to leverage the knowledge and support of experienced individuals. As part of the community, participants already have access to valuable guidance and are urged to take advantage of it.

Lesson #6: Be Strategic

Diane advises starting with the end goal in mind and creating a backward plan to reach it. By reverse-engineering their path to success, entrepreneurs can lay out actionable steps and ensure progress toward their desired outcome.

Lesson #7: Have a M.A.P 

The seventh lesson emphasizes the importance of having a marketing action plan. Diane encourages entrepreneurs to go beyond mere planning and actively implement their marketing strategies. Taking deliberate action is crucial for success.

Lesson #8: Implementation

Implementing is the eighth lesson which involves taking massive, focused action. Diane encourages entrepreneurs not to overthink or fear making mistakes. By being doers and implementers, individuals can make progress and achieve their goals.

Lesson #9: Use Leverage

Diane highlights the power of systemization, automation, delegation, and elimination to optimize productivity. Leverage allows entrepreneurs to free up time, focus on their strengths, and scale their businesses, depending on their goals and preferences.

Lesson #10: Continually Optimizing

Diane urges entrepreneurs to measure their progress, evaluate results, and continually strive for improvement. By asking critical questions and making data-driven decisions, entrepreneurs can refine their strategies and thrive.

By embracing these ten lessons, entrepreneurs can unlock their potential, achieve growth, and make the upcoming year their best yet. Diane concludes by encouraging her audience to continue their journey of improvement and reconvene in the future to discuss further progress.

Diane’s Role in the GoMobile Solutions Team and Her Mission to Support the GoMobile Community

In a heartfelt address, Diane shares her excitement about her new role within the GoMobile Solutions team and her commitment to supporting the GoMobile community. She expresses her deep gratitude for the honor of being a part of GoMobile and working closely with Damien. Diane acknowledges the incredible team Damien has assembled, highlighting their loyalty, commitment, and willingness to go above and beyond. As someone who thrives in a team environment, Diane finds joy in rejoining a collective effort and the camaraderie it brings.

Diane emphasizes her dedication to the GoMobile clients and community, expressing her sincere desire to support and assist every individual. She welcomes feedback, suggestions, and concerns, urging everyone to reach out to her if they need assistance or have any frustrations. Diane’s extensive experience in direct response, project management, strategic business optimization, and leadership enables her to contribute to the continuous improvement of the company. Her ultimate goal is to ensure that each person within the GoMobile community has the best possible experience on their journey toward success, regardless of their unique goals and timelines.

As an integral part of the team, Diane’s role includes finding opportunities for optimization and growth. She is passionate about applying her diverse knowledge and experience to enhance various aspects of the company. Diane recognizes that what works in one situation may not be effective in another, but she relishes the challenge of finding innovative solutions and combining different approaches to achieve success.

One of Diane’s primary responsibilities is to keep the company focused on its current path and goals. In a rapidly evolving business landscape, she aims to prevent distractions and ensure that GoMobile stays on track. While acknowledging that there may be growing pains along the way, Diane encourages open communication and patience from the community. She emphasizes that feedback is invaluable and assures everyone that their concerns will be addressed and improvements will be made.

In conclusion, Diane expresses her gratitude for the opportunity to be part of GoMobile and work closely with Damien and the dedicated team. Her unwavering commitment to the success and satisfaction of the GoMobile community shines through her words. With Diane’s expertise and support, combined with the team’s passion and dedication, exciting app developments lie ahead for GoMobile and its valued clients.