Kyle Gray - Transcendental Dance Party
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Hangout and Dance with Kyle Gray

In this episode of Happy Hour Hangout, it's all about the music! Kyle Gray, founder of "The Story Engine," will be DJing and leading us in some fun breath work exercises. Get ready to move your body and have a great time!

1. The Music

As soon as you join the hangout, you'll be greeted by Kyle's amazing energy and great tunes. He has a way of reading the room and knows just what kind of music will get everyone moving. There's a little something for everyone!

2. The Exercises

In addition to dancing, Kyle will also lead in some breath work exercises. These exercises are designed to help us get in touch with our bodies and connect with the others in the hangout. They're also a lot of fun! Prompts will be given throughout the music to keep things interesting and help us create a shared experience. 

3. The Man Himself

Kyle Gray is the founder of "The Story Engine." He helps entrepreneurs, coaches and influencers use storytelling to attract their ideal audience and inspire them to take massive action. He also likes to dance. He's comfortable with who he is and enjoys helping others find their own comfort levels. When it comes to dance, Kyle loves to move and feel the music. He feels that it's a great way to connect with people and let go of inhibitions. For him, dancing is all about having fun and enjoying the moment.


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